Saturday, May 31, 2008

things i've learned, realized, decided...

1. the only people who you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs. so, be strong enough to walk away.

2. a girl is lost without her girlfriends. and i have some of the best =]

3. cherry limeade smoothies are the greatest things ever. EVER. i guarantee it...and i am a smoothie expert.

4. Sex & the City was fabulous, no matter what anyone else says. It was perfect.

5. Florida is spelled like the rapper Flo Rida. And now i'll never misspell it again =]

6. summer is for excessive sleeping. i'm taking full advantage...

7. i really really really want to learn how to play guitar. i need to be able to jam to relax.

8. gas prices suck. especially because my favorite thing to do is drive, late at night, listening to some chill music, clearing my head. can't do that at $4.25/gallon =(

9. i LOVE the cubs. (okay, so i always knew this...) but HELL YEA. they're rockin it this season. THIS is the cubbies that i know they can be =]

10. you know you work at jamba when you come home reeking of citrus and are covered in orange juice/sticky from sherbet...and you realize that the only thing you've put into your body that day is 2 smoothies and like 12 matcha shots because you were working for 11 hours =]

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

P.S. I Love You

I've always prided myself on being deeper than a stupid, shallow movie. I like the *great* movies which make you think about life and society and the bigger picture. You know, the award winners.

But, I am still an almost-20-year-old-girl. So I love romantic comedies. I can't help it. It's part of my programming. But I haven't seen a GREAT romantic comedy in a long long time.

I love Love Actually and could watch that movie over and over. But until tonight I hadn't found another movie like that. But my soulmate and best friend came over tonight and we watched P.S. I Love You.

Now, you can give me as much crap as you want about how you think it's a shitty movie because, well, you're so cultured and would never be caught dead liking a movie that would jeopardize your reputation that you've built up upon yourself...but I loved it.

I honestly cried...continuously...throughout the entire movie. I don't think I've ever cried like that because of a movie before. My throat hurt from crying so much and I was left with a giant pile of kleenex.

I know how cynical I am. I know how jaded I've become. I know that I continuously argue that love doesn't exist. There is no way it can. I've never seen it. I question daily if I ever truly felt it.

But the truth is (are you ready for this?) that I wish and hope and pray with every fiber of my being that true love...great out there.

I know that this is a Hollywood movie. Stuff like this doesn't happen in real life. It's scripted and planned out and not real. But, I just want a taste of it. I want to experience someone who changes my life...for the better. I want to kiss someone and have it be the end of the world as they knew it.

But I'm not one to compromise. So, until someone comes and sweeps me off my feet, I'll go back to being a cynical non-believer...and live vicariously though watching P.S. I Love You excessively...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

you just have to know where to look

lately i've felt like i'm completely devoid of any true friends.
but in reality, its just that the people i see the most often are the ones who disrespect me the most. and that's really unfortunate. i put my faith in the wrong people.

turns out, you just have to know where to look.

tonight, i got to hang out with some girlfriends who i havent gotten to see in FOREVER because we've all been so busy. it was fabulous. a great night. and they invited me out Friday night and told me that I have a place on their futon next year if I need it.

I guess I DO have some true girlfriends =]

and then, of course, there is my Lauren. I would be completely lost without that girl. The ONLY girlfriend that I still have since elementary school. its just really relieving to know I have her to come home to this summer.

and jb and i have started talking again. real talking. not fighting. i feel no jealousy. i feel no anger. we've finally moved past it all. and that's the best feeling in the world.

selvin - my baby boo. my facebook husband. he's always there to listen to me when im stressed or upset. he's dealt with my venting and complaining. i honestly would not have made it though this semeter without him. and i won't make it though next year without his couch =]

i maintain that you just have to know where to look. sometimes people ( get so focused on the negative that it overshadows the positive. i have so many amazing friends. so many people who truly care about me and are there for me. i can't let the haters get me down.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

i'm a very negative person

i've come to realize.
so, i'm gonna work on my positivity.

things that made me smile today:

1. Watched a movie in my Drama Lit class - Angels in America very interesting. Modern. AIDS. homosexuality. drug addiction. it's like RENT! minus the music.

2. Got out of my LAST EVER 2-hour Journalism class after 20 minutes

3. Hung out with my faux-husband for almost 2 hours =] ...meaning, i distracted him while he was working in the radio office. but its okay. because we have to make sacrifices to find time to see each other. so it made me super happy.

4. Advertising project is DONE. and turned in. and out of my hands. and it turned out better than i had expected...

5. Got out of my 1.25-hour Advertising class after 15 minutes. which meant that I worked for an hour longer. which means more money.

6. Free pizza and hanging out for an hour during rehearsal with joe and jess. which meant one less hour of rehearsing. and one more hour of hanging out and laughing.

there. see? i can like things too.
i'm ignoring the fact that my job pisses me off SO much. and that i had a 5 hour rehearsal tonight. and that i'm stressed for EVERYTHING that i need to finish by this weekend. eek!

but. finals and final projects are stressful. but soon, it will be summer. and i love summer. and i'll be home. and smiling.
