Monday, February 9, 2009

In between...a one night stand and a wedding ring...

In a horrible attempt to procrastinate writing a news release and studying for an exam I have today, I thought I'd blog. Because I haven't written in awhile. And I'm an awful student. Good.

So here's a story:

Last...November? My friend (and future roommate!) Mandy and I drove out to Madison to see Idina Menzel...because she's absolutely incredible. We got there early, had dinner, met up with a friend for a bit, and then headed over to the theatre. We get there and see a sign that said "8:00 Chris Mann 9:00 Idina Mezel" and we both go "well, shit. I don't want to watch someone opening act for Idina. I just want to see HER."

Fast forward to 8:00pm, the concert starts and these 2 guys come on stage...sit down...and begin playing. He opened his mouth to sing, and I swear I stopped breathing. When he finished his first song (ahem, "On a Night Like This"), Mandy and I just looked at each other, jaws to the ground.

"who IS this guy?"

The way we described him is "Talent of Josh Groban with a little bit of Jason Mraz thrown in for goofiness and quirkiness...with the stage presence of Andrew McMahon"

Idina was, of course, fabulous. That woman is so incredible, I can't even begin to tell you. Not only is she disgustingly talented, but she was absolutely hilarious too.
After the concert, we considered stopping at Chris's merch table, but it was surrounded with girls practically falling over themselves to be by him (oh, did I mention that he's quite attractive as well...? Because he is.) and I'm not that type of "screaming, flustering, ohmigod-i-love-you-so-much kind of fan."
Instead, we headed outside and waited by Idina's bus. We were lucky enough to get a picture of her AND get her autograph (and she only gave like 10). It was incredible. [side note: one of the only 2 times I've ever been kinda star-struck...the first time was when I met and talked to Anthony Rapp...what IS it with the actors from RENT??]

Afterward, we were going to try to find him to tell him how great of a job he did, but didn't see him...and we still had to drive back to Milwaukee (yea, it was about 1:30am on a Sunday night at this point...)

Needless to say, I was an instant fan....*ahem* MANNfan, as is his coined phrase.

Anyway, I urge everyone to check him out. He's got his album coming out in...March? yeah. So, you've got a month to get excited. Seriously though, this guy has more talent in his left foot than most people have at all. He's gonna be big. Just watch.

Check out to read his blog and hear 2 of his songs that are posted.

Oh, and THIS is what I saw in Madison.