Tuesday, September 18, 2007

things i learned at u of i...

1. shot box may SEEM like a good life decision at the time...it's not.

2. every girlfriend has one girl that they don't trust their boyfriend with. for her, it's me. interesting.

3. best friends don't have to talk every day...but the ability to pick up right where you left off is the test of a true friendship =] *soulmate*

4. falling on your face in the middle of the street = very humbling experience...

5. the sign of a good night is when you're still drunk/hungover until 4pm the next day...

6. i am now a huge illini football fan =]

7. Zas = delicious

8. i cannot wait until i'm 21 and can get into the bars in milwaukee, because going to the bars is amazing fun.

9. being a girl rocks because boys buy you drinks and pay your cover =]

10. peeing in a bar bathroom, in a stall without a door, is probably the most fearless thing i've ever done.

11. blonde guys always catch my eye...

12. i have self control even when i'm drunk. that's probably a good thing to know.

13. im a sucker for kisses on the forehead...

14. being single is exactly what i need to be right now.

15. i love my friends who go to u of i and i miss them terribly when i'm not with them.

16. if i were to actually go to u of i...i would probably DIE. one weekend is amazing, but i don't think i could handle partying like that every weekend...

here's to the best weekend i've had in a long time...with the best friend i've had for a lifetime...

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