Friday, March 28, 2008

a non-exhaustive, unordered list of things that i currently hate and/or am annoyed with

...that's a long title.

1. snow. when its practically april. where the hell is the warm weather?

2. people who walk rreeaallllyy slow. if i step on you when im walking to class, it's you're own damn fault.

3. cleaning my bathroom. on my ONLY free day. when i could be sleeping or going out.

4. disrespectful roommates. ...enough said. if you know me, you understand. and you've probably gotten an earful about it

5. my drama literature class. seriously. puts me to sleep. shouldnt we be discussing? rather than having you read it line-by-line and giving us a pointless plot outline of what we've already read?

6. my philosophy class.

7. no, scratch that. PHILOSOPHY in general. yes, that tree exists. i dont care how long you discuss it for. in the end, the tree exists. go hit your head against it multiple times if you don't believe me.

8. my schedule. this falls under the "annoyed with" category because i love being involved and i love theatre...but i'm SO tired. im doing too much and it's killing me.

9. selfish people who only think about themselves and their boyfriend. and who don't do anything productive with their life because they've already dropped a class so they're taking like 12 credits and working like 6 hours a week, but still can't manage to pick up after themselves, take the garbage out once in awhile, wash their damn dishes, or contribute in any way. also, the same selfish people who are disrespectful of other people because they're too busy being irresponsible with their lives. ....this is completely hypothetical.... =]

10. the new "people you might know" thing on facebook. it's just a new level of creepy...

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