Saturday, November 8, 2008

on a completely un-political note...

i've decided that being a good person gets your nowhere.

being a nice, decent, caring person isn't worth it.

everyone is only looking out for themselves. no one REALLY cares about anyone else.
so, being that friend who will RUN down a flight of stairs on a broken foot, because your best friend is upset...sitting there with them while they cry....doesn't really mean anything.
because, at the end of the day, if they're happy, then you're an afterthought.

i will always be taken advantage of. i will always be walked all over.
i will always be that friend who is willing to do ANYTHING for her friends. i will sit with you and listen while you cry. and you will never hear me say a damn word about my life and my problems.
i will talk you though every situation. every break up. every heartache. every little crisis.
knowing, full well, that the SECOND everything is back to normal. the second that you're happy'll be back out with those people who treated you like shit.
and i will be home. by myself.

because no one cares. not really. you need someone to go to when you feel like shit. someone who you know will always be there. no questions asked. no judgment. nothing.
will ALWAYS be there.

but you don't care. not really.

but it's not going to change. ever.
i can't stop being me.
i will never stop throwing birthday parties or making midnight "happy birthday" phone calls...even when i'm miles away. even though, when my birthday rolls around, i know i'll sit home alone.
i will never stop sitting with you when you're upset. leaving a party and my friends to talk to you. sitting with you for hours while you cry. sitting on the phone for hours. even though, when i'm upset, you don't even answer your phone.

being a good person isn't worth it. because you will always just be taken for granted.
no one cares.
not really.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change

today i woke up in a new America.

today i woke up with a feeling of pride, relief, and hope.
hope that the future will be better. hope that we can change tomorrow. hope that we will change the world.

today i woke up and wore my Barack Obama t-shirt with pride.
i was proud when an African-American man on the street corner and I shared a smile. knowing that, together, we had made history. a smile of hope for a better tomorrow for both of us.
i was proud when a fellow supporter, also wearing a t-shirt, said good morning to me. a stranger to me. but we both knew it was a good morning. it was a new morning.

as a twenty-year-old American, i have grown up in a world of cynicism, doubt, and hate.
cynicism about the world. doubt that it will ever change. and hatred of our government.
since i was twelve years old, i have lived under the presidency of George W. Bush. in all the time that i have actually followed, understood, and held an opinion about politics, i have been under the failed policies of President Bush.
i have been told my entire life, by a middle-to-upper-class, middle-aged, white man...that i can be anything i want to be. i can achieve anything i put my mind to. i have been told by the person who always has the upper hand, that opportunity is always there.

last night, for the first time, i believed it all.
last night, history changed.
last night, the one without the opportunities, money, and privileged upbringing prevailed.

we CAN do anything that we believe.
we CAN change history.
we CAN change the world.

Thank you, President-Elect Barack Obama. You have instilled a sense of pride, hope, and belief in me. Something that should have come long ago.

Today, I woke up in a new America.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


i'm actually in tears as i write this.
for the first time in...i don't even know how long anymore...i feel like i have hope.
i have faith in our country. i have hope for the next generation.
i am proud to be an American.

today is a life-changing day.
today we made history.

and i could not be more proud to say that i got to use my voice, vote, and help make history.

thank you America. for speaking up. speaking clearly. and helping to change this world.
nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.

thank you, Barack Obama. You made history. You did it.