Monday, June 16, 2008

the customer is always right?

today i work, i compiled a list in my head of things that i encounter at work that cause me to hate people.

1. when a guy a girl walk up and he orders for her. "...and SHE'LL have..." - ugh. im pretty fucking sure she can speak for herself.

2. when a girl and guy walk up and only she orders...and then when its time to pay, she just turns at looks at the guy, who reluctantly pulls out his wallet and pays for her - i just wanna shout at him "DUMP HER." oh goodness. i get chivalry and paying for the girl, but the girl should be EXPECTING it. that's disgusting.

3. situations like this:
me - what size would you like?
girl - (turns to guy) what size do you want?
guy - original
girl - (to me) original
me - would you like a free boost?
girl - (to guy) do you want a free boost?

...etc. you get the idea. CLEARLY, he is standing right there. yes, i can hear him. you don't need to relate his answers to me. thanks for being overbearing.

4. when people hand me handfuls of money. not like 5 singles, flattened out and easy to count. but when its just crumples of bills. - REALLY?! how are you even carrying that around like that? i just don't understand.

5. people who practically whisper. - do you HEAR the music? do you HEAR the 5 blenders going? do you HEAR the entire staff yelling to each other? do you HEAR the crowded lobby?, do you think i can understand your order when you practically whisper at me??

6. when you call out an order and no one responds. and so you call it out again, louder, and the person standing right in front of you gives you a bitchy look like "yea. im right-fucking-here" - im sorry. i dont know you. i dont know your name. how the fuck am i supposed to know that you are lindsay with an original strawberry wild with an energy boost??

7. and on that note, there are OTHER drinks than a Strawberry Wild with an energy boost. i understand that you are unable to think for yourself, but just because the 3 friends you came with ordered this drink, doesnt mean you have to.

8. oh. and when one teeny-bopper orders an original strawberry wild with energy boost. and then the next teeny-bopper comes up.
me- what size do you want?
teenybopper - (giggles. turns to friend. gets friend's attention) what size did you get? (giggles more)

and then literally just orders whatever their friend ordered. after re-asking them everything i ask. its annoying.

9. teeny boppers in general. - im really glad that you dressed up in your sluttiest clothes and put on too much go to the streets of woodfield. seriously. where are your mothers? i would have NEVER been allowed out of my house looking like that when i was 14.

10. situations like this:
me - what would you like today?
person - *long long pause* uhhh....strawberry wild
me - which size would you like?
person - *even longer pause*,, sixteen. yea. the small one.
me - and would you like a free boost in that?
person - whats a free boost?
me - *explains*
person -*long long long long pause* oh. uh. no. no thanks.
me - *gives total price. asks for name. get money*
person - *long pause* it too late to add a boost??

the end.
i love jamba. i hate stupid people.

haha =]

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