Monday, June 2, 2008

thank you...

im not sure who all reads this, but i felt that i needed to send out a tribute to two people. i've recently decided to remove (or TRY to...) the negative energy from my life. Lately, i've been thinking that i'm not a happy or fun person anymore...but then i realized that it's only when i'm with certain why stick around with people who aren't making me the best version of myself? I need to learn to be strong enough to walk away.

Fortunately, i'm lucky enough to be blessed with some truly amazing people in my life. The people who make me laugh and enjoy life...and who are always there for me when things go badly with the other type of people.

First, is to Selvin. My boo. Booger. Mustard. Brick face. Chez Borger. Smellvin. (we have a lot of stupid nicknames...and the list keeps growin). I legitimately don't know what I'd do without him around. He definitely keeps me sane and calm...knowing exactly what to say and do to handle my freak-outs. But in addition to being my strength at times, he's also the most fun person to be around. He's almost a bigger goof than i am and always knows how to make me laugh. Plus, he lives and breathes music and dance, just like me. He's introduced me to so much good shit that I never would have even heard of without him. So thanks boo =] you're, without a doubt, one of the best friends i've ever had in my life. I can't wait to sleep on your couch next year! haha. Peace. Love. Music. Dance.

The other is this girl. My soulmate. The ONLY girlfriend that i've had since we were kids. The only one who hasn't stabbed me in the back or disrespected me. Of course we've had our ups and downs, but the fact that we've become so close again this past year means the world to me. I don't know what I would have done this past semester, especially, without her on the other end of the phone. Boys come in and out of our lives, but we always have each others back though each shitty break-up. The stuff we share with each other, no one else would understand...but this girl gets me. Our drives (to you know where...haha!) are some of the best times ever. "Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates...and guys are just people to have fun with." Laur, you're the best friend a girl could ask for. You know that you deserve the world and you're strong enough to get it. Thanks for being there through all the freak-outs, drama-filled stories, drunken walks home on the phone (biggest rice krispie treat EVER), drunken walks home on U of I's campus (and falling in the middle of the street), emotional crises, laughing that will give us rock-hard abs, and the millions of tears're amzing =]

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