Thursday, September 4, 2008

No Way. No How. No McCain.

Watching the RNC is making me upset.

I like to watch it because I believe that you cannot properly argue a point until you've heard both sides. I'm not going to read strictly liberal-biased articles...I'll read the conservative ones too. Because the only way you can argue is if you know and understand your opponent's position.
that being said...

let's talk Sarah Palin, eh?

The Republicans decided she should be McCain's running mate because, well, Barack has that whole African-American thing going for him. The Republicans needed a gimmick too...because isn't that what this election is about? Superficial gimmicks instead of actual politics and the issues affecting our country everyday? Right, Republicans?

So now the Republicans have a woman. An anti-feminist woman. A woman who opposes abortion even in the cases of rape, incest, or danger to the life of the mother. A woman who doesn't fight for equal pay for equal jobs. So, the fact that she's a woman doesn't really mean's not like she's going to fight for women's rights. She might as well be an old, white man.

Now, the Republicans have enough going against them in this election. They have a 72-year-old candidate who has had cancer and honestly looks like he could fall over and die any second. We have an economy that is going down the toilet, fast and they have a candidate who has agreed with President Bush 95% of the time in the last year. They have a candidate who is endorsed by the worst President in our nation's history. They have a candidate who is getting ready to serve Bush's 3rd term.

But because they seem to be hiding the fact that Senator McCain is Bush's clone, all they rely on are their attacks against Senator Obama. And we all know their biggest attack is that Obama is too young and too inexperienced to run this country.

Well, congratulations Republicans. You have successfully found someone YOUNGER and MORE INEXPERIENCED that our candidate, and in turn lost your biggest attack. You may argue that Gov. Palin isn't running for President, but for VP. However, with a candidate who probably won't even live out his entire term, we have to be prepared for the very real idea that, if McCain is elected, she will be our president at some point.

Let's compare them, shall we?

Sarah Palin is 44 years old. The extent of her schooling is a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. She served as a city council member in Wasilla, Alaska (with a population of just over 6,000 people) for 4 years, became the Mayor of Wasilla for 6 years, and has been the Governor of Alaska for 20 months.

Barack Obama is 47 years old. He has his B.A. in Political Science with a specialization in International Relations. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School where he served as an editor for the prestigious Harvard Law Review. He worked as a community organizer for 3 years, served as a member of the Illinois Senate for 7 years, and has been the Junior Senator from Illinois for over 3 years.

Now, please tell me. WHO has less experience?

I COULD jump into the other petty arguments, but I agree with Barack Obama. This campaign is no place to attack the opponent's families. It is not relevant and it is not necessary. Stick to the facts, stick to the issues. And the fact is, putting McCain/Palin into the White House would cause a huge issue for this country.

I will end with a quote from this country's potential future VP:

"As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position."
- Sarah Palin

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