Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh, politics...

If anyone reads this, I'm pretty certain they're aware of my political stance.
I've given my two-cents about Obama, Palin, and McCain...
However, at this point, the outcome is up to the American people...and to be perfectly faith in the American public is dwindling.
Granted, I know that videos like the one I've posted below do not accurately represent the entire American public...but my fear is that there are far more people like this.

If you are not educated in a subject, please do not voice your opinion about it. Do you research. Stop spreading falsehoods.

By now, everyone has heard about the woman who stood up at a McCain rally and stated that she cannot trust Obama because she's read about him and he's an Arab. Sure, McCain quickly took the mic from her and corrected her, stating that Obama is NOT an Arab and is a "decent family man and citizen" ( if the two are mutually exclusive? Don't get me started on that one).

It's people like this that make Americans look so dumb. I don't know what this woman had "read" or where she gets her information, but clearly she has not put much time into learning about the candidates. And, even if he WERE an Arab...what are your thoughts on his policies?? Because, I'm pretty sure that's a lot more important.

I'm sick of people supporting Palin because she's a woman. Especially Hilary supporters who switched to Palin because of her gender. Are they aware that Palin and Clinton share NO common ground when it comes to any issues? But, that doesn't matter, right? Because they're both female so they're the same.

I'm sick of people saying that Obama hates white people (excuse me, he's half white). I'm sick of people hating him because of his skin color or because of rumors they hear. PLEASE do your research before you vote.

I was listening to the radio and they had a segment called "Positive Politics Friday" and people could call in and say why they're supporting someone for a positive reason (they could say nothing negative about the other candidate). I though it was a really good idea.
One man called it and he said "I'm voting straight Republican because stopping abortion is the only issue that matters right now."
...yes. forget the failing economy...and I hear that there's some war or something going on...but that's not important. Let's focus on stopping abortion.

I understand that I'm not going to agree with everyone, and I appreciate other's opinions. If you have a real, educated, well-thought-out reason to believe what you believe, then more power to you. But if you're against Obama because he's black, hates whites, and is clearly a terrorist, then please...stop talking.

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