Sunday, January 25, 2009

i've come to realize...

that some people can just be assholes sometimes...

...but there are few times...brief shinning moments in time...that people can be good. genuinely good, caring people.

I was lucky enough to experience that last night. I am lucky enough to have some great friends.
The feeling of being taken care of and held is one of the best.

I got, uh, a bit more inebriated than I had intended. But I had a friend who sat with me, held me, talked to me, comforted me, took care of me...went above and beyond to ensure that I was comfortable, safe, and warm. And it's in moments like that, that my faith in humanity is restored.

Anyone who knows me, knows that my faith in humanity dwindles and slowly disappears every day. Reading stories about John Travolta facing extortion demands after his son dies. or seeing blatant hate between groups of people over superficial issues. or even hearing a dumb, insensitive, prejudice comment. Everyday I hear or see things that make me think that we, as a society, can be BETTER.

But it's the small gestures, like last night, that restore my faith and remind me that people have the potential to be better.

So, thank you to my friend. you'll probably never realize how important you are or how meaningful your gestures are.

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