Friday, July 27, 2007

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic*

Today is DAY 1.
Day one of the fabulous trip to middle-of-nowhere-Wisconsin. Middle-of-nowhere-Wisconsin, with no cell reception and no one even remotely close to my age...
Day one of the potentially most boring week of my life.

My silver lining?
I'm currently stealing a wireless signal from the cabin next door.

That, and, I just had a Captin and Coke and am feeling pretty good =]

So far since I've been up here, I've napped, listened to music, started re-reading HP6 (before I continue with HP7), ate dinner, listened to more music...

My other silver lining?
This week away from Joe will probably be good for me. Good for us.
It'll keep me from killing him...

today is day one.
one down. six to go.

this isn't particularly deep or insightful or thought-provoking, or hell, even important.
I can only assume I'll get to that later tonight...when I post again...because I won't be sleeping.


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