Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pregnant at Seventeen

Today I found out that a girl at work is pregnant. She's seventeen.
It was almost uncomfortable talking to her about it. She was clearly confused on what her course of action should be...but at the same time, she seemed...not panicked enough.
I mean to say that she seemed relaxed. She had no problem telling everyone, whereas if it were ME, I don't think I'd tell ANYONE. Her biggest concern seemed to be the fact that she doesn't like throwing up, at that comes with the territory of morning sickness.
Now, to me, this girl doesn't seem mature enough to take care of HERSELF, let alone another person...

I couldn't even imagine.

On another note, I was late to work today because the normal 10 minute drive took me about half an hour. There was some horrible crash at the intersection right by my work and traffic was WAY backed up for quite a few hours. A girl I work with said that she thought she had seen body bags. I still don't know exactly what happened...

Isn't it strange how two completely different events seem to have the same response?
I mean, to have a baby when you're seventeen years old is often looked at as the end of the mother's life...or life as she knows it. It's no longer HER life, it's her and HER BABY's lives. It's almost seen as a tragedy. Of course, that's not to say that every situation ends negatively...some young mothers find a way to make it work. However, socially, people tend to feel sad for someone who gets pregnant at seventeen.
To have a fatal car accident is of course the end of a life. It's horrible to think about. People feel sad for the families of the victims...

One situation is the beginning of life, one is the end...however, both cause sadness. It's almost ironic...

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