Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I loved you, gray sweatpants, no makeup. So perfect.

so at about 5am last night (or this morning...) i turned on CNN to find the CNN/YouTube Democratic Debate on. I only caught the last half hour, but it was SO interesting. Rather than having some rehearsed journalist ask a question, REAL PEOPLE asked the questions. Rather than having someone ask the candidate's stance on gay marriage, two women who were holding hands ask "why can't we get married?" It sends a completely different message. If anyone knows when it's going to air again...let me know.

I don't really believe in political parties. Or, I should say, I don't put much faith into them. However, I would probably fall into the category of being a Democrat. I'm definitely liberal. I know that I am completely for gay marriage and domestic partnership. I know that I am pro-choice. I know that I believe that marijuana should be legalized. I know that I hate George W. Bush. (01.20.09. Let the countdown begin.) I know that I'm very open-minded and not bigoted. I love getting into discussions with people who have different beliefs than me. I do not try to impose my beliefs on other people, and I strongly respect those who do the same for me. I am just intrigued by why people believe the things they do. I'm not incredibly acknowledgeable in politics, but I find it to be very interesting and I love learning about them. Anyone want to have a political discussion?

I also know that I wish that the war would end and we could get everyone home. I wish America would do more to bring our troops home than to buy a magnetic ribbon to place on your car. It's scarier now that you actually, personally KNOW people over there. It's more of a reality. I found out today that a friend of mine, who is in the Navy, is in the hospital. He got hit in the leg with...something...I don't even know what... He currently cannot feel his leg and they don't know if he ever will again. That's too real for me. Please send positive energy toward him in Japan.

I never got out of my sweats all day. Fabulous. I could definitely just live in my sweatpants forever.

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