Tuesday, August 14, 2007

more things I've learned...

it's been an eventful past week.

1. do NOT believe everything you hear, especially if it comes from someone who likes to gossip. (yea, i probably should have learned this A LONG TIME AGO...)

2. there is no better feeling in the world than rekindling an old, close friendship.

3. the only satisfying way to live life is to just let go. don't think, just DO.

4. skinny dipping and streaking are two of the most liberating, relaxing, and exciting things to do.


6. exhaustion does not = falling asleep easily. i hate my insomnia and i hate my restless mind. my body will be physically exhausted from work, but i don't know how to relax my mind, and i won't fall asleep until about 7am. it's frustrating.

there's probably a lot more, but i'm going to six flags tomorrow (for the first time in practically 4 years, i think!!) so i should probably at least ATTEMPT to sleep.


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