Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Road Rage?

I bet, if you were to look up statistics, people who drive into and out of Chicago everyday have stress levels 1000% higher than the rest of the population.

I drove in Chicago rush hour traffic for the first time EVER today, because, well, I tend to avoid Chicago during rush hour. And let me tell you, when I live in the city in 3 years, I will NOT own a car. It's not even worth it, for the stress and gas used and just...no. Chicago drivers are all assholes =]

It was my last day at Jamba today. Bittersweet. I'm going to miss everyone. Some people who weren't working came in specifically to say bye to me =] i love those guys so much...

It's weird, I have so many people who care about me. People who are willing to go out of their way for me. People who don't treat me like crap...Yet, for some reason, I keep going back to the one person in my life who treats me horribly. LAME.

Tonight was one of those nights that felt like a movie. We sat in the parking lot after close. Life is all about living in the moment. I'm sick of wishing I was somewhere else. From now on, i'm just going to BE. Fabulous. Let's see how this works...

What I learned from HSMTWO:
1. "I don't care about my future. I care what my friends think about me!" Thanks Troy Bolton...
2. "We're all in this together." In case they didn't say that often enough to drill it into your head. FUN DRINKING GAME: take a shot everytime someone says "we're all in this together." I guarantee you'll get stupid.
3. "You're going to get so wet!!" Thanks Troy...for showing that even squeeky-clean teenagers have a dirty side...
4. When Troy Bolton is upset, he cannot make a basket. He showed that in both HSM and HSMTWO. Oh how the symbolism just slaps you across the face.
5. If you want to lose a girlfriend quickly, give her a necklace with your initial on it. That won't creep her out or make her feel branded at all...
6. Most importantly, this movie/musical showed me that musical theatre really is dead. Thank you, Disney.

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