Friday, August 10, 2007

life is what happens when you're not paying attention

someone came into work today.
someone who i haven't had contact with in at least 3 years.
someone who used to be a huge part of my life.
someone who could have gotten me into some serious trouble those 3 years ago.
someone who i still worry about from time to time.
that someone came into work today.

and i think i stopped breathing.
after he left, my friend asked me if i was okay because she said i looked like i was ready to cry.

it's weird how someone can have such an effect on your life, even after years have passed. just seeing their face...hearing their voice...can stop time. and maybe not even in a good way. but i never thought i'd see him again. and i never thought that i'd even be affected if i saw him again.

i just hope he's doing okay...

three things i've learned:
1. my boss wants me to become a manager at jamba, if i wasn't leaving again for school. sweet. that means im pretty pimp at what i do =]
2. it's so much harder than it seems to let go of relationships. so so so much harder.
3. mecham road SUCKS. especially when it's narrowed down to ONE LANE. that's right, one lane for BOTH directions of traffic. i sat there for about 20 minutes today. lame lame lame.

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